Happy New Year … and what a start to the year we have had already!   


I would like to thank all parents/carers, pupils and every member of staff for their understanding and co-operation with the last-minute changes that were enforced upon all schools at the start of this week.   Myself and all my colleagues feel so deeply saddened that our school community will not be together again until after the February half-term, but also immensely proud of the way that the majority of pupils have accepted this decision and are attending lessons remotely.  The response we had last term to these remote lessons was magnificent and I am expecting the same on this occasion! 


With regard to the news that our Year 11 pupils will not sit their summer examinations must be a relief (because at least a decision has been made) yet devastating at the same time.  However, it still remains essential that they do not give up on their education!  It is more important than ever that our Year 11 pupils continue to attend their remote lessons and when there is clarity on this issue, I will be in touch with you again.   


The next 5 weeks may prove to be very tough for some families and please remember that we are here to help you in whatever way we can.  Please email your (or your child's) Senior Learning Coordinator who can provide invaluable advice and support.  It is important that we all work together in our 'Eddies' family to ensure that we are looking after one another. 


I am extremely proud of our school community and how we take up the challenges presented to us.  I would particularly like to thank a few of our Year 8 boys who stopped to help a member of the public over the Christmas period.  I received a fantastic email entitled "Great Citizenship" and was told how these pupils "were a 'credit' to the community, so pleasant and helpful.  Big hats off to them".  "I'd like to know that they have been praised for their service in the community" … so boys, consider yourself thanked! 


With best wishes