We strive to reveal who we are by living our Faith and make every effort to inspire our pupils to want to make the world a better place
We value our working partnership with parents and, as a Catholic school, we see our role as being that of an extension of the family. We greatly appreciate the support and back-up given to us by parents and carers and we reciprocate this in many ways throughout your child's journey at St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School. Ways in which we can support you: -
Attendance and Punctuality:
We have a dedicated Attendance Team who supports parents/carers when they are experiencing difficulties with their child attending school on a regular basis. If you need support or advice, please do not hesitate to contact Miss D Kelly (Attendance Officer), or Mrs J Joughin (Attendance Admin Assistant).
Uniform and Equipment:
Please visit the Uniform page of the website for further information on what support is available: Uniform Code | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School. In certain cases we are able to provide funding for the cost of uniform provision. Also, the Diamond Community Support Centre (07821 462068) has free second hand uniforms available.
Parents/Guidance Evenings:
These evenings are an essential part of your child's educational journey, as important information is shared which will guide and encourage your child to reach their goals. These evenings are also an opportunity for parents/carers to discuss any concerns or to gain an insight into how their child has settled into life at secondary school. We offer 2 evenings per year group throughout the academic year, but form tutors are available throughout the year to answer any questions that may arise.
Cashless Catering System:
To help parents/carers to manage payments for their child's lunch money, school trips, books, etc, we offer cashless payment via Arbor, which is an easy way to upload funds onto their child's school account. Alternatively, cash can be uploaded onto the machine in school and transferred onto your child's account.
Communication via Arbor:
Using Arbor makes it so easy to contact a member of staff at school; also parents/carers can view information regarding their child's attendance, punctuality, progress towards targets, behaviour, etc. It is an essential tool!
Extra- Curricular Activities:
See the page on the website for all the activities that your child can join in with: Enrichment and Extracurricular | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Careers Education and Guidance:
Our students are so fortunate with the high standard of careers education provision - see the page of the website for further information: Introduction - Personnel | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Counselling and Wellbeing sessions for your child:
As a school, we recognise the important role that we play, alongside parents and carers, in nurturing the holistic development of the young people entrusted into our care. We believe that alongside the development of their academic potential, it is also important that our extensive pastoral support provides opportunities for students to grow and develop their own character. Emotional self-care skills, such as resilience, grit and managing anxiety, all need to be nourished to establish a positive mental wellbeing. This, coupled with academic success, are the crucial things we must do to prepare our students for life beyond St Edmund Arrowsmith HS. For more information, visit Support for Young People/Families | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Our support for students with supportive needs ensures access across the curriculum - see the page on the website: SEND Information | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Additional Support:


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Autism Specific Documents
We strive to reveal who we are by living our Faith and make every effort to inspire our pupils to want to make the world a better place
We value our working partnership with parents and, as a Catholic school, we see our role as being that of an extension of the family. We greatly appreciate the support and back-up given to us by parents and carers and we reciprocate this in many ways throughout your child's journey at St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School. Ways in which we can support you: -
Attendance and Punctuality:
We have a dedicated Attendance Team who supports parents/carers when they are experiencing difficulties with their child attending school on a regular basis. If you need support or advice, please do not hesitate to contact Miss D Kelly (Attendance Officer), or Mrs J Joughin (Attendance Admin Assistant).
Uniform and Equipment:
Please visit the Uniform page of the website for further information on what support is available: Uniform Code | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School. In certain cases we are able to provide funding for the cost of uniform provision. Also, the Diamond Community Support Centre (07821 462068) has free second hand uniforms available.
Parents/Guidance Evenings:
These evenings are an essential part of your child's educational journey, as important information is shared which will guide and encourage your child to reach their goals. These evenings are also an opportunity for parents/carers to discuss any concerns or to gain an insight into how their child has settled into life at secondary school. We offer 2 evenings per year group throughout the academic year, but form tutors are available throughout the year to answer any questions that may arise.
Cashless Catering System:
To help parents/carers to manage payments for their child's lunch money, school trips, books, etc, we offer cashless payment via Arbor, which is an easy way to upload funds onto their child's school account. Alternatively, cash can be uploaded onto the machine in school and transferred onto your child's account.
Communication via Arbor:
Using Arbor makes it so easy to contact a member of staff at school; also parents/carers can view information regarding their child's attendance, punctuality, progress towards targets, behaviour, etc. It is an essential tool!
Extra- Curricular Activities:
See the page on the website for all the activities that your child can join in with: Enrichment and Extracurricular | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Careers Education and Guidance:
Our students are so fortunate with the high standard of careers education provision - see the page of the website for further information: Introduction - Personnel | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Counselling and Wellbeing sessions for your child:
As a school, we recognise the important role that we play, alongside parents and carers, in nurturing the holistic development of the young people entrusted into our care. We believe that alongside the development of their academic potential, it is also important that our extensive pastoral support provides opportunities for students to grow and develop their own character. Emotional self-care skills, such as resilience, grit and managing anxiety, all need to be nourished to establish a positive mental wellbeing. This, coupled with academic success, are the crucial things we must do to prepare our students for life beyond St Edmund Arrowsmith HS. For more information, visit Support for Young People/Families | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Our support for students with supportive needs ensures access across the curriculum - see the page on the website: SEND Information | St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School
Additional Support:
Welcome to the | Autistic Girls Network
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